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Discount pricing for bulk orders:
· Use for your business!
The purpose of this training is to set forth a common understanding about what is and what is not acceptable in our workplace. This training will help you better understand what is considered sexual harassment. It will also show you how to report sexual harassment in your workplace, as well as your options for reporting workplace sexual harassment to external state and federal agencies that enforce anti-discrimination laws.
With this knowledge, all employees can engage in appropriate workplace behavior, avoid disciplinary action, know their rights, and feel secure that they are entitled to and can work in an atmosphere of respect for all people. It is important to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity to enjoy a fair, safe, and productive work environment. Laws and policies help ensure that diversity is respected and that everyone can enjoy these privileges.
Professional Server
Professional Server Certification Corporation
PO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645
Bartender Licensing by City
Food Safety for Handlers Course
Workplace Harassment Training
UST Class C Operator Training
Rhode Island Workplace Harassment Prevention Information

Register Here:
Sign Up - Free Employer Account
If you are an employer,
Sign up for an employer account to purchase training for your employees:Discount pricing for bulk orders:
- 0-100 courses for $3.99 each
- more than 100 courses for $2.99 each
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Course Objectives:
Recognizing harassment as inappropriate workplace behavior
Identifying the nature of sexual harassment
Recognizing that harassment because of any protected characteristic is prohibited
Identifying why workplace harassment is employment discrimination
Recognizing that all harassment should be reported
Recognizing that supervisors and managers have a special responsibility to report harassment

Course Includes:
Customizable Policy Documents!
· Customize the policy templates
· Use for your business!
Workplace Harassment Prevention Online Course
Meets or exceeds training requirements for sexual harassment prevention in most jurisdictions!
- Interactive Online Lessons
- text
- audio
- video
- flashcards
- case studies
- online exam
- Certificate
- Train all your employees!
- Compliance training documents stored digitally in one place!
- Employee acknowledgement / proof of training available immediately upon course completion:
- download
- access from employer account
With this knowledge, all employees can engage in appropriate workplace behavior, avoid disciplinary action, know their rights, and feel secure that they are entitled to and can work in an atmosphere of respect for all people. It is important to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity to enjoy a fair, safe, and productive work environment. Laws and policies help ensure that diversity is respected and that everyone can enjoy these privileges.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Course Includes:
- Preventing harassment in the workplace
- What is sexual harassment?
- Unwelcome conduct
- Where can sexual harassment occur?
- Bystander intervention
- Promoting active bystander culture
- How to intervene
- Protected activities
- Supervisor's responsibility
- Mandatory reporting
- Reporting sexual harassment
- Requirements for a harassment prevention policy
- Legal protections
- Sexual harassment case studies
- Flashcard review
- Student acknowledgement statement
- Proof of training
- Course evaluation
- Certificate of completion
- Customizable documents: policy templates
Workplace Harassment Prevention is also available through the following offer:
Professional Server
Certification Corp.
Professional Server Certification CorporationPO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645
Bartender Licensing by City
Compliance Courses
Responsible Serving of Alcohol CourseFood Safety for Handlers Course
Workplace Harassment Training
UST Class C Operator Training