In order to reset your password you will need access to the email address you originally used to register. If you have that email address, please proceed by filling in the box below and clicking the 'Reset Password' button.
Professional Server
Professional Server Certification Corporation
PO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645
Bartender Licensing by City
Food Safety for Handlers Course
Workplace Harassment Training
UST Class C Operator Training
Reset Your Password:
In order to reset your password you will need access to the email address you originally used to register. If you have that email address, please proceed by filling in the box below and clicking the 'Reset Password' button.
Professional Server
Certification Corp.
Professional Server Certification CorporationPO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645
Bartender Licensing by City
Compliance Courses
Responsible Serving of Alcohol CourseFood Safety for Handlers Course
Workplace Harassment Training
UST Class C Operator Training