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After you finish your order, you will receive a confirmation email with your receipt information as well as your username/password to login and get started on the course. You may then login with your username/password to take the course(s) at your convenience.

Server License / Responsible Serving → Show/Hide


Alcohol Server Certification Online Training & Certification
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Alcohol Server Certification

- Earn your alcohol seller/server certification from this online responsible serving® of alcohol - compliance training certification course! - ...

Alcohol Server Certification Information

Off-Premises Responsible Serving® of Alcohol Online Training & Certification
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Off-Premises Responsible Serving® of Alcohol
This course is for alcohol sellers who work at establishments that sell alcohol to be consumed elsewhere. (For example: liquor stores, convenience stores, grocery stores, etc.)

Off-Premises Responsible Serving® of Alcohol Information

Food Safety → Show/Hide


Food Safety for Handlers Online Training & Certification
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Food Safety for Handlers
This online food safety for handler training course will teach you everything you need to know to work as a responsible food handler and provide you an industry accepted certificate ...

Food Safety for Handlers Information

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Professional Server
Certification Corp.

© Professional Server Certification Corporation
PO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645

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