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Tobacco information for Washington, DC
Professional Server
Professional Server Certification Corporation
PO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645
Bartender Licensing by City
Food Safety for Handlers Course
Workplace Harassment Training
UST Class C Operator Training
Responsible Serving® of Tobacco
District of Columbia Responsible Serving® of Tobacco Information
The Responsible Serving of Tobacco course lessons will give employees who sell tobacco products the training needed to sell tobacco products responsibly.
As the student moves through the online course, he/she will be introduced to the federal regulations governing the sale of tobacco and the effects of tobacco use and emerge with a solid understanding of your responsibilities as a tobacco seller.
Click the add to cart button below and proceed to the checkout to get signed up. You will be emailed a username/password to login and begin.
Responsible Serving® of Tobacco is also available through the following offer:
Related Courses for Washington, DC:

Professional Server
Certification Corp.
Professional Server Certification CorporationPO Box 192, Madison, SD 57042 | 605 427 2645
Bartender Licensing by City
Compliance Courses
Responsible Serving of Alcohol CourseFood Safety for Handlers Course
Workplace Harassment Training
UST Class C Operator Training